Giving a hand on the family business!

How I took this month to dedicate myself to a new and very important project. The name of this project could be “Giving a hand on the family business”. I invited my friend Tiago Nunes to work 3 days full time on this with me and the motivation to do this couldn’t be greater. My family works in the “fish” industry for more than 100 years and my father is working in this business for more than 30 years now. He run’s the oldest company in the market – 26 years. As everybody knows we live in difficult times and everything changed for the worst in the last years “economically” speaking. Besides that, the POS for the company changed brutally from the center of the city of Lisbon to about 40Km to the outside which means that all the transactions in this chain where inverted. People in the markets and fishing shops stopped going there to buy to the wholesalers and the wholesalers (almost all of them) stated working as distributors bringing the fish directly to these people. All of these changes are having a negative impact in the company and only a change in the processes and way of making business will change everything for the best. What we are trying to do is to develop an innovation process that will lead us to new ideas, new approaches. In the end we want to implement a sense of balance in the company and to make it more profitable and sustainable for the coming years. For me personally it’s a huge challenge to do this having all my family involved but the 1st days showed us that is possible to do great things (trust us).

These are just some insights on what this project is. There’s so much to discover along the way. We wanted to make this project public (with some limitations of course) and so we built a website with daily updates on the process.
We want people to navigate with us and to join us for this adventure. Feel free to share ideas, insights, things you’ll think will help us innovate.

Please follow the link:
More about the people involved:

Um Comentário a “Giving a hand on the family business!”

  1. Margarida Martins diz:

    Olá Rui,
    Acho uma óptima ideia a mobilização do pessoal para o ajudar nesta missão tão importante e tão nobre. Vou partilhar consigo uma paixão, que me conquistou de há uns anos para cá, que tem tudo a ver com a industria do peixe: o sushi. Esta especialidade gastronómica parece que é das poucas coisas que florece em anos tão cinzentos. Há cada vez mais e bons restaurantes de sushi (em Portugal e arredores). O requisito mais importante é o peixe ser de grande qualidade e fresco. De vez em quando, ouvem-se notícias das fortunas que se pagam por peixes para sushi. Penso que, na industria do peixe, é um nicho importante que poderá ser explorado. Desejo-lhe o maior sucesso para o projecto “Trying to save my father’s company” e espero poder deleitar-me com as iguarias que comercializam.
    PS- Tive conhecimento do projecto pelo Pedro Mendonça.


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